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Time:2022-11-03 18:34:29        Hits:【 】second








Is lithium iron battery safe?

1. Needling, short circuit and extrusion

When the iron lithium battery is short circuited, punctured or squeezed, it will lead to the rupture of the internal diaphragm, which will lead to a sudden explosive rise in temperature. Finally, there will be an explosion, especially for lithium batteries with poor safety performance. This time will be even shorter, usually about 5 seconds.

2. Thermal shock

The so-called thermal shock is the phenomenon that the ambient temperature rises suddenly. If the temperature is high, the SEI film on the negative electrode surface of the lithium battery will decompose, which will lead to an exothermic reaction. If the heat dissipation of the battery is poor, the internal temperature will rise rapidly, resulting in deflagration.

3. Overcharge

If the lithium-ion battery is overcharged, the excess electric energy will be converted into heat energy, which will lead to the temperature rise of the battery body and damage. This problem often occurs in some chargers or electronic products without overcharge protection.

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